Posts published in April, 2011

Alert for Teenage Subway Robber

The authorities are searching for the thief in a series of what has so far been seven robberies in Manhattan subway stations, the most recent of which occurred in the East Village at the intersection of Broadway and Houston Street about a week ago.

Amid Glut, Liquor Licenses Still Sought

Despite the hurdles of entering a thoroughly saturated market, owners of bars and restaurants are still flocking to the East Village – and filing applications for liquor licenses.

N.Y.U. Plan Receives Landmark Approval

The Landmarks Preservation Commisssion approved N.Y.U.’s application to make changes to the open space at the landmarked University Towers site, following a hearing on April 5.

The Day | Students to Donuts

A roundup of news articles and blogposts related to the East Village.

Street Scenes | Colors

The photography of Tim Schreier.

This Jaybird You Can’t Change

Local contributor Sarah Shanfield is amazed to get a ticket for jaywalking.

At Peels, A Gracious Breakfast

James Traub eats breakfast at Peels on the Bowery.

The Day | Gentrification, Deterioration

Phillip Kalantzis Cope Last week the New Museum announced some of the details for its Festival of Ideas, but it seems that not everyone is keen on the street festival scheduled to take place on the Bowery. The Lo-Down reports that Billy Leroy, “mayor” of the Bowery and proprieter of Billy’s antiques is opposed to what […]

Street Scenes | Back Seat Snoozer

The photography of Tim Schreier.

East Village Tweets

Would-be messages from the East Village, in 140 characters or less.

Street Style | Zippers and Buttons

A look at zippers and buttons as accents on coats, shoes and bags.

The Day | On Liquor Licenses

A roundup of news articles and blogposts related to the East Village.

Viewfinder | Public / Art

The photography of Tim Schreier.

Girl’s Prep Gets a New Home

Last week, officials at Girl’s Prep, which has long sought a new location where it could expand, received approval from the Department of Education to move into the East Side Community School building on 11th Street and First Avenue.

The Bowery’s Bid for Posterity

An effort to have the Bowery designated a National Historic District is being cosponsored by the Bowery Alliance of Neighbors and The Two Bridges Neighborhood Council. Architectural historian Kerri Culhane recently made a presentation in support of the proposal to a meeting of Community Board 2.

Seeking the Blog’s Next Editor

The Local East Village announces that it is beginning a search for the next editor of the blog.

The Day | Raindrops and Street Fairs

A roundup of news articles and blogposts related to the East Village.