Posts published in January, 2012

Life Cafe Back to Life? Owner in Talks With Potential Business Partners

The talks are in the early stages, but there is hope the iconic cafe will reopen.

Frank Stella’s Former Studio Up for Bids

The historic building will be up for auction thanks to would-be developer defaulting on millions in loans.

Max Crosses the Bridge

Max is the latest East Village restaurant to join Cafe Mogador, Crif Dogs, and Mama’s in opening a Williamsburg outpost.

Kristal Family Sells CBGB, New Owner Speaks

A representative of the group confirmed — anonymously — that they are the new owners of the brand and that big plans are in the works.

Power Couple Getting Hitched

Next time you see Katrina Bowden at Cafe Mogador or Yuca Bar, tell her congrats!

The Day | Happy Birthday, Philip Glass

A roundup of this morning’s news, including a retractable brownstone, updates from Boukies and Empellon Cocina, a new Mexican sandwich joint, and the return of the Ritz.

Street Scenes | Anyone for Ping Pong?

The photography of Kevin Farley.

The Nuyorican Is Closed For Repairs

Visits from city inspectors have resulted in the

On Seventh, Ice Cream Cones and Traffic Cones

An NBC show is filming in the neighborhood again.

On Holiday Cocktail Lounge’s Shutter Right Now


Rockit Scientist Records Will Close

The record store on St. Marks Place won’t renew its lease at the end of February.

Sword Play Replaces Nightlife in Former Mo Pitkin’s Space

Above a long-vacant storefront on Avenue A, a space that once served as the upstairs of Mo Pitkin’s and then as the office of an Internet start-up has found new life as a martial arts studio.

Photos: Last Night at Holiday Cocktail Lounge

Getting a table at the Holiday Cocktail Lounge Saturday night was nearly impossible. The 47-year-old dive was wall-to-wall with regulars, there to pay respects on its last night.

The Day | 12 Arrests During Occupy Wall Street March

A round up of this morning’s news, including increased segregation in East Village schools, a fire on St. Marks Place, a successful apartment hunt, free pedicab rides from Veselka, and more.

Arrests Reported as Protesters March Through East Village

Protesters showing solidarity for Oakland made a symbolic stop outside of the former Charas/El Bohio building before ending their march outside of Tompkins Square Park.

Ray Schultz on Jaakov Kohn, the Publisher, and the Pie

A former writer for the East Village Other remembers how editor Jaakov Kohn nurtured talent that other publications could not absorb. Plus: R. Crumb’s famous pie-throwing incident.

Claudia Dreifus Remembers That Time, That Place

Before she went on to a successful career with Playboy and then The New York Times, Claudia Dreifus wrote for The East Village Other. She remembers the paper as an interesting mix of counterculture cultures.

Charlie Frick on Tripping The Light-Box Fantastic

EVO’s rock n’ roll writer and photographer describes the controlled artistic anarchy of psychedelic design.

Steve Kraus: How Green Was My Underground

Steve Kraus, a contributing writer for The East Village Other, answers the question: What was it like to work in the underground press? In a word: GREAT!

Ishmael Reed on the Miltonian Origin of The Other

The writer says he helped create The East Village Other and the St. Mark’s Poetry Project; he sheds light on their hidden histories.