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"moishe perl

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5 Questions With | Moishe Perl

During Passover – when eating bread and other leavened products is prohibited – what’s a Jewish baker to do? Five questions with Moishe Perl.

Thank You, East Village

A mosaic of 160 people who make the East Village what it is.

Holy Moley! After Four Decades, Moishe’s Will Get a Makeover

The High Holy Days are keeping Moishe Perl, the owner of Moishe’s Kosher Bake Shop, well occupied – but he’ll soon be even busier. After four decades on Second Avenue, the bakery is due for some changes.

Lots of Tagelach, Only One By Moishe’s

New Yorkers in search of a sweet pre- and post-fast treat have been making the annual pilgrimage to Moishe’s for tagelach (which is also often spelled tegulach) since just before the holiday period started with Rosh Hashanah on Wednesday of last week.