Posts published in July, 2011

Viewfinder | Urban Composition

The photography of Adrian Fussell.

Farewell and Thank You

On his last day as editor of The Local East Village, Richard G. Jones extends his thanks to those who have contributed to the blog and read its posts.

Business Gains Slim from Gay Marriage

The legalization of same-sex marriage in New York meant many things to many people. It meant freedom to marry for lesbian and gay couples who had been waiting to do so in their home state. It meant a landmark civil rights victory for New York legislators. And to many in the wedding industry, it meant cash. But The Local’s Meghan Keneally reports that they may have seen the dollar signs a bit too soon.

Your Voices | On Four Loko

A sampling of reader reactions to The Local’s recent posts about sales of the banned version of Four Loko.

The Day | Targeting Stolen Bikes

A roundup of news articles and blogposts related to the East Village, including items about a sting operation by the police to locate stolen bicycles in the neighborhood and news about local bars changing hands.

Street Scenes | Laned Bike

The photography of Tim Schreier.

Looking Back | 18th St. Subway Station

Susan Keyloun, a community contributor to The Local, takes a look back at a subway station that’s been closed for more than six decades.

Five Questions With | Allie Kuzyk

Allison Hertzberg interviews Allie Kuzyk of the Werk boutique.

The Day | All Eyes on the Park

A roundup of news articles and blogposts related to the East Village, including items about reporters from around the city descending on Tompkins Square Park to cover the rat problem and the opening of new restaurant locations.

Street Scenes | Lafayette Street

The photography of Tatyana Kildisheva.

On St. Marks, Comics on the Big Screen

The Local’s Meghan Keneally visits St. Mark’s Comics and finds that the big bucks that have greeted recent comic book-themed movies does not necessarily translate into traditional book sales.

Waiting for the Bed Bugs

The arrival of pests does more than just annoy Brendan Bernhard. “The bed bugs are not just biting me, they are provoking existential questions. What gives life value? What is the importance of objects? Should a middle-aged couple occupy an East Village walk-up or cede it to yet more students?”

The Day | Open Doors

A roundup of news articles and blogposts related to the East Village, including items about the opening of Upstate and the creation of two historic districts in the neighborhood.

Two Historic Districts Approved

Community Board 3 tonight approved the creation of two historic districts in the East Village, paving the way for official consideration by the city.

Street Scenes | Caller ID

The photography of Tim Schreier.

More Rats in the Park? Thank the Hawk

The Parks Department reveals a likely reason for the surge in rats in Tompkins Square Park: the red-tailed hawk.

State to Review Sales of Four Loko

Officials with the State Liquor Authority plan to investigate sales of the banned version of Four Loko.

The Day | New Signs, New Storefronts

A roundup of news articles and blogposts related to the East Village, including items about new signage in the neighborhood and the creation of a local historic district.

Street Scenes | Dog Days of Summer

The photography of Vivienne Gucwa.

Traces of De La Vega

Annie Cofone, a community contributor to The Local East Village, reports on the latest projects by the artist James De La Vega.