The Day | Looking Ahead

14th Street Adrian Fussell

Good morning, East Village.

Sunday’s news of Osama Bin Laden’s death left many in our community reflecting on the significance of the event; from East Village firehouses to local Muslim shops–even Twitterers shared their thoughts.

While some took to the streets to celebrate, one local community contributor worried that the jubilation could lead to more divisiveness:

“I am not Muslim but my first reaction to viewing the celebrations in Times Square, WTC and the White House was concern. I was kind of appalled at the reaction of the people. It looked to me like a sporting event celebration. I worried that the loss of life in NY, DC and PA as well as the two wars in Afghanistan and Iraq would be overshadowed. I was and remain equally concerned for the Muslim communities throughout our world. I can only hope and pray that this does not lead to more unjust treatment of Muslims and Islamic people who are very important to the very fabric of what New York is. Peace.”-Tim Schreier

As the celebrations subside, how do we move forward without forgetting what has past? We welcome your thoughts.

As for the weather, expect a mix of clouds and sun with highs in the mid 70s.