Posts published in December, 2010

Viewfinder | ‘Kitty Nights’

Photographer John Galayda discusses photographing the Kitty Nights burlesque show at Bar on A in the East Village.

A Touch Of Burlesque On Avenue A

The Local visits Kitty Nights at Bar on A, one of the few remaining burlesque shows in the East Village.

At Year’s End, A Different Kind Of List

Kenan The end of the year is a time for recollection, for looking back at our achievements. I feel that I accomplished a lot this year. I took a job that allowed me to afford a monthly subway pass and I rode my bike all the way to the foot of the Williamsburg Bridge once. […]

Local Legends | Ghosts Of Seasons Past

East Village historian Tim Milk examines the legend of the haunting of the Merchant’s House Museum.

Mourning A Loss Beyond Mars Bar

The Local interviews John Vaccaro, a resident of stretch of a properties – which includes the Mars Bars – slated for renovation.

The Day | The Recovery Continues

A roundup of news articles and blogposts related to the East Village, including items about the neighborhood’s continuing recovery from the blizzard.

The Day | Winter’s Tales

Vivienne Gucwa Good morning, East Village. On day two of what New York 1 is calling “the sixth biggest snowstorm in the city’s history,” (East Village Radio just says Snowpocalypse!) most streets in the neighborhood remain hushed, either blanketed in white or lined with pushed-aside walls of snow. The Times has region-wide coverage including information […]

Viewfinder | Digging Out

Members of The Local East Village Flickr group share their best photos of a neighborhood suddenly snowbound.

The Day | Snow Scenes

A selection of images of the Dec. 26 snowstorm in the East Village.

Viewfinder | Silent Night

Vivienne Gucwa, a community contributor to The Local East Village, on photographing the neighborhood at night.

A Guide To Eco-Friendly Holiday Gifts

The Local takes a look at some environmentally friendly holiday gift ideas.

Man With East Village Ties Killed In Va.

Robert Edward Dyck, a homeless man who was known as Yardsale and was a member of the “Crusty Punk” community in Tompkins Square Park, was found dead in Virginia last month of blunt force injuries.

The Day | Disrupting The Holiday Peace

A roundup of blogposts related to the East Village, including items about a fire on First Avenue and “stop-and-frisk” police tactics in public housing developments.

A Fresh Start Through Tattoo Removal

The Local interviews Dr. David Ores, a physician who removes gang- or prison-related tattoos from patients free of charge.

Some Tips To Prevent Dog Attacks

Animal trainers offer advice on how to protect dogs after a series of attacks at an East Village dog run prompted some pet owners to begin carrying weapons.

The Day | On Cyclists And Humbugs

A roundup of blogposts related to the East Village, including posts about a 16 percent increase in accidents between bicycles and other vehicles.

On Video, Preserving Punk’s Past

The Fales Collection at New York University will shortly begin the process of preserving and cataloging an extraordinary video archive of punk and new wave performances by such artists as Dead Boys, the Heartbreakers, and Iggy Pop that were captured by video artists Emily Armstrong and Pat Ivers.

The Day | Tree Lights, ‘Unsilent’ Nights

A roundup of blogposts related to the East Village, including items on holiday celebrations in Tompkins Square Park and the perils of driving in the neighborhood back in the day.

Five Questions With | Geová Rodrigues

The Local interviews the Brazilian fashion designer Geová Rodrigues, who for nearly a decade has run a boutique, Geová Atelier, in the East Village.

On 9th St., An Artist Pushes Her Limits

The Local interviews Theresa Byrnes, a portrait, abstract and performance artist in the East Village.