Mitt Romney Gets Blasted at Lit

ROMNEYDana VarinskyLorenzo Masnah starts work on Romney

Gritty, artsy Lit Lounge is the last place you’d expect to find Mitt Romney, but now he’ll be there every night.

Lorenzo Masnah, a Colombian-born artist who shows at Fuse Gallery, behind the Second Avenue rock bar, is painting a mural depicting the presidential candidates wearing party (get it, “party”?) hats. In between them, a witch-like figure will represent “the universe working its magic,” said Erik Foss, owner of Lit.

OBAMADana Varinsky

The previous mural, a tribute to the late artist and musician Joey Semz painted by his colleagues in the Irak crew, was replaced after five years because it had deteriorated with age. The new one might stay up for as long as a year, said Mr. Foss, an artist in his own right whose latest work will show at AllDayEveryDay on East 11th Street this weekend.

So will a man who describes himself as “super left, super Obama, super everything the Democrats are for as far as civil rights, gay rights” be able to stomach looking at Mitt Romney every day, should the Republican win?

“We’re definitely going to probably make an alteration to the piece,” said Mr. Foss. “Actually, I’ll just let the neighborhood take care of that.”