On monday evening firefighters were called to 510 East Sixth Street after the elderly landlord, Martha Fedorko, fell asleep with a pot on the stove, a resident said.
“The firemen had to break into her apartment and luckily, no damage resulted,” wrote the resident, Frank Bardin, in a comment on last month’s article on Ms. Fedorko. “Earlier, late afternoon, she sat on a chair just inside the foyer to the building, lifting her lower leg, trying to block tenants from entering the building and in one case, yelling ‘police, police’ when one entered, gingerly slipping past her.”
A spokesman for the Fire Department confirmed that firefighters responded to a kitchen fire in the building between Avenues A and B at around 8:50 p.m. Following The Local’s story on the quandary the tenants of the building found themselves in, several others came forward with their own stories.
“We have witnessed her tearing up and throwing tenants’ mail on the ground,” one commenter wrote. “People have had packages missing and she disclosed information to them that she should have no knowledge of (e.g. tax issues).”
Other commenters echoed the sentiments of most of the residents: That Ms. Fedorko was once one of the kindest landlords around. The Fedorko family “endured the turbulent 1970s when numerous corporations and individuals simply abandoned rental buildings in Alphabet City. Dr Fedorko has spent her entire adult life helping others, both professionally and personally,” wrote W.G.F. “Shouldn’t the solution to the problems at 510 E. Sixth St. also include some compassion and sympathy for a person who has spent her life helping others and is dealing with the issues of the human aging process?”