Why Orange’ya Outraged About Gitmo, Protesters Ask

DSCN0335Mary Reinholz Carmen Trotta, front, and hooded protesters.

Last time, it was hoodies; this time, hoods.

On Saturday, a group of orange-clad, hooded demonstrators protested the Obama administration’s failure to close the Guantanamo Bay detention center. Carmen Trotta, the associate editor of the Catholic Worker’s newspaper, who lives in its St. Joseph’s residence on East First Street, said the demonstration was intended to make others aware of the president’s broken election-year promise. “A lot of people think he has already closed it,” said Mr. Trotta, who is also on the executive committee of the War Resisters League and a founder of Witness Against Torture.

Mr. Trotta said he would join other pacifists in Washington, D.C. for a protest tomorrow, and noted that Amnesty International and other anti-war and humanitarian groups would hold another demonstration June 26 at City Hall.