Posts published in June, 2011

Street Scenes | Constant Gardener

The photography of Tim Schreier.

Skate Park Will Reopen Friday

Open Road skate park on 12th Street between First Avenue and Avenue A will reopen Friday, July 1.

Mixed Reviews for a Coupon Site

With questions being raised about Groupon’s business model, as well as complaints from some small business owners, The Local checked in with East Village businesses to learn about their experiences with the coupon site.

The Day | The Skyline’s New Addition

A roundup of news articles and blogposts related to the East Village

Drug Use Cited in Skate Park’s Closure

Recent reports of the sale and use of marijuana at Open Road Park were the primary reason that school officials decided to close the neighborhood skating space.

Street Scenes | Smash Ball

The photography of Tim Schreier.

Assembling Art, Page by Page

The Local attends the creation of the latest issue of “What Happens Next,” an assembly magazine made up of poems, collages and drawings and which is produced at Gathering of Tribes.

On 2nd St., A Dispute Over a Garden

Residents say they’ve been denied membership to Peach Tree community garden on Second Street between Avenues B and C in the East Village.

Board Weighs In On Sentencing

Community Board 3 passed a resolution Tuesday night condemning the acts of the two former Ninth precinct police officers who were convicted of official misconduct in May

The Day | A Time to Cool Off

A roundup of news articles and blogposts related to the East Village.

Liquor License Denied for 34 Ave. A

The liquor license application for a new music venue at 34 Avenue A was denied by a Community Board 3 vote tonight.

A Skate Park Closes, A Dispute Ensues

East Side Community High School will hold a public meeting at 4 p.m. tomorrow to discuss increased supervision at Open Road skate park on Twelfth Street between First Avenue and Avenue A

Conversation | On 34 Avenue A

With Community Board 3 scheduled to consider at its meeting tonight a proposed music venue for 34 Avenue A, The Local’s Jenn Pelly describes why the board would do well to support the creation of the space.

An Ice Cream Truck’s Growing Profile

The Big Gay Ice Cream Truck, which received a visit from the chef Anthony Bourdain earlier today, will open a shop next month on Seventh Street.

Street Scenes | Candy Store

The photography of Margot Wood.

The Yiddish Walk of Fame

The Local tours the Yiddish Walk of Fame.

Beyond the Dog Run | Beau

Marcia Krause Bilyk, a member of The Local East Village Flickr group, shares the tale of a somnolent canine.

Turning Off a Neighbor’s Radio | Part 2

It was obvious which apartment the radio was in and I started banging on the door right away. No answer. I banged some more. Nothing. So I tried the door opposite, hoping to find a sympathetic neighbor trembling on the brink of a nervous breakdown. Again nothing. Was everyone dead?

The Day | Party, Parish and Politics

A roundup of news articles and blogposts related to the East Village.

Rent Board Approves Increases

During a meeting at Cooper Union’s Great Hall, the Rent Guidelines Board voted to raise rent prices by more than 3.75 percent for one year leases and 7.25 percent for two year leases. The increases take effect Oct. 1.