A sampling of reader reactions to posts that have appeared on The Local during the past week.
Regarding the blog’s post about the victims of the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire, including a map of where the East Village victims of the blaze resided, Suzanne Rozdeba wrote:
“It gave me shivers looking at this map and seeing how close to to me these victims had all once lived. When I clicked on some of the addresses, I was astounded at how many of them were so incredibly young, single immigrants seeking a better life here, living in the neighborhood I call home.”
jim tutwiler said:
“great article and map. Now we should remember what unions and worker safety legislation means to all of us.”
About our post on the potential closure of senior centers because of budget cuts, Bill Stepp wrote:
“They should all be closed. There’s nothing in the Constitution that allows the government to steal money to feed seniors, or anyone else.
The NYC government should be cut by at least 90%.”
After reading our post on Pulino’s, “Bowery Boy” wrote:
“Pulino’s arc from great to awful is already mirroring the Bowery’s earlier decline. Thanks to places like this, as they get older, the Bowery will be returned back to its skid row days.
It would be nice if their outdoor area would quit hogging the entire sidewalk and leave some room for folks to walk around the corner. As it is, you have to fight the loitering tourists just to get past this place. It’s inconsiderate and self-centered of both the patrons and the establishment.”
Commenting on a Street Scenes photo feature by Lindsay Wengler, Tim Schreier said:
“Lindsay or “Single LindsReflex” is one of NY’s best street photographers. Her photos of Coney Island are some of the best. She has taken to capturing Coney as it appears to be in transition. Her images documenting the end of an era and the start of the “Disneyfication” of Coney are very important to anyone who wants a sense of history of this. I commend Lindsay in all that she does. From Coney to the East Village/LES, Lindsay has a certain eye that is very unique and very gifted!
I hope she continues to capture and share her world and views of that world with not only this site but others as well!”
And regarding our post about the new ping pong table in Tompkins Square Park, Jeff Melin wrote:
“When I saw the first smile on my nieces face all my labor in designing and building our first table became worth it. Now that I have seen so many faces with smiles on them, I am humbled to the extent that I think the lump in my throat is permanent. To the visitors and residents of Tompkins Park, Thank You from the bottom of my heart and enjoy the table.
Jeff Melin
Henge Inc.”